
INTERPOL and Armed Drones 

A Resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) highlights INTERPOL’s global role in providing capacity-building and technical assistance to protect critical infrastructure from terrorists.

UNSC Resolution 2341 (2017), endorsed against a backdrop of recent terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure – including international airports in Brussels and Istanbul – underlines how protecting critical infrastructure requires international collaboration, both domestically and across borders.

It also highlights the need to enhance the exchange of operational information, including on the actions and movements of terrorists, with a range of stakeholders – governmental authorities, law enforcement, foreign partners and private sector owners and operators.

INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock said the interdependence of infrastructure across sectors and industries, between cyber and physical areas, and across national boundaries, means that the consequences of an attack could be far-reaching.

“One attack on a single point of failure could disrupt or destroy multiple vital systems in the country directly affected, causing a ripple effect worldwide. This creates an appealing target to those intending to harm us. As our cities and infrastructure evolve, so do the weapons of terrorists,” said Secretary General Stock.

Read more at https://www.interpol.int/News-and-media/News/2017/N2017-016

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